
“God Loves A Cheerful Giver”


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Once you click onto the link above, it will take you to the PayPal website.
You may transfer funds from your bank account, PayPal or from a credit card.

There is a drop down arrow to pick options for your donation (see pictures).

We believe that generosity is one of the hallmarks of a committed Christian. Every dollar that you give goes directly to accomplishing that objective and helping to change lives.

Your generosity is making a difference in our church, our community, and our world.

Ministry of the Month


Caritas needs soup, size 6 diapers, and baby wipes!

Please consider donating to Caritas directly at

Three Types Of Gifts To First Congregational 

  1. General Fund – These funds are used to pay for the ongoing expenses of our ministry.
  2. Mission Fund – These funds go to local, national, and international missions. You may specify where you would like your gift to go.
  3. Endowment Fund – The endowment fund is used to fund special projects and to support the General Fund. Planned gifts, through wills or trusts can easily be set up with assistance from the church.

​Gifts may be mailed to: First Congregational Church, 801 Bushnell St. Beloit, WI 53511 

First Congregational Church is a 501 c3 tax exempt organization.